So there might be a more legitimate reason for me to have a blog soon, seeing as I've been offered a pretty great job in Birmingham. I'll be working in the Neuro ICU of UAB Hospital, and as much as this thrills me, it kind of terrifies me as well. I think that some amount of fear about this job is healthy, but I'm just going to have to tell myself that there is no one expects me to know exactly what I'm doing on the first day. Or really even in the first six months. Since it's a teaching hospital I know there will be a lot of room for growth and I'm looking forward to learning about how to care for these patients. With that being said, I will be needing a lot of prayer during the beginning phases of this job. It's bound to be very high stress, and I am known to have the ability to stress like none other.
I'm in the midst of finding a place to live and working out the details of the move. I plan on keeping everyone updated as the details of the move start to become more clear. The only detail I can give you right now is that I start orientation August 1, so I'll be up there some time before then..... Hopefully.